™ - your crisis doesn't have to be chaos!

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If a major emergency were to occur tonight at your facility, how confident would you be of your management staff addressing the incident effectively as per your company’s policies and procedures whilst still maintaining focus on:

  • Saving lives?
  • Mitigating costs?
  • Maintaining the scene for further investigation?
  • Liaising with to emergency response personnel?
  • Liaising with the Health & Safety Authority, the local council or media?
  • Initiating the Disaster Recovery Plan?
  • Initiating the Communications Plan?
  • Initiating the Business Recovery Plan?
  • Ensuring that all relevant info is collated to speed up the investigation process?

The best laid plans, policies and procedures of large organisations cannot guarantee good execution in the event of a crisis. The is a cloud based technology that allows large organisations to prepare, execute and analyse crisis events.

For more information visit

With the™, large organisations can ensure that in the event of a crisis, their staff will have the technology in their hands to:

  • Control - take control of a crisis;
  • Coordinate - business continuity and disaster recovery plans;
  • Communicate - internally and externally;
  • Collaborate - within the corporate structure;
  • Convey - a strong corporate image;
Incident Control Room